#Quarantreatyourself with Matcha Mascarpone Cream Sponge Roll Cake

It’s day God-knows-what of quarantine, and I have never eaten better. I find myself taking risks with cooking and baking like never before. It’s good to remember that these skills are honed, and each laborious iteration of a dish is one step closer to mastering it.

Being mindful of my carb intake has been a challenge. Thankfully, I found that substituting Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol in recipes that call for sugar does the trick. It’s an easy 1:1 conversion, except the sugar substitute has zero net carb.

Here’s a recipe for a sponge roll cake base that I found on a YouTube video, and I added the matcha mascarpone cream.

For the sponge cake:

1/3 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp flour (heaping 1/3 cup of flour)
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol (heaping 1/3 cup)
5 egg yolks
5 egg whites
1 whole egg
A dollop of vanilla extract

For the matcha mascarpone cream:

1 cup of heavy whipping cream
1 tbsp of matcha green tea powder
3 tbsp of Lakanto Powdered Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol (can do more or less depending on your sweet tooth level)
1 dollop of mascarpone cheese (optional, kinda tough to find)


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Crack 5 eggs and separate into yolks and whites. Place the egg whites in a bowl where you can mix them later into a stiff peak mixture.
2. Using a medium sauce pan, melt butter.
3. Turn off the heat, then incorporate the milk. Take care not to burn the mixture.
4. Add flour to the egg/butter mixture, give it a mix, then add in 5 egg yolks and 1 whole egg. Set aside.
5. Mix your bowl of egg whites to a stiff peak while incorporating all of the sugar and a dollop of vanilla with an electric or stand mixer. Trust me, manual is not the way to go with this one— I tried and it was my workout for the entire week.
6. Fold the whipped eggs whites into the flour/egg/butter mixture.
7. Line a 9×13 in sheet pan with parchment paper and scoop the mixture until batter is spread evenly on the pan. Dropping it on the table a few times might help.
8. Pop into oven for 25 minutes.
9. While cake is baking, make the matcha mascarpone whipped cream.
10. Dump heavy whipping cream, mascarpone cheese, matcha powder, and powdered sweetener onto a bowl and whip to a soft peak. Thassit lol. Store in fridge.
11. Take cake out and carefully set onto a cooling rack.
12. Cut out the ugly edges, then eat the heck out of those cake bits!
13. Wait like 2 minutes until you feel comfortable touching it, then roll into shape. Let cool for about 5 minutes or so until you think it’s cool enough to host your matcha mascarpone cream.
14. Unroll carefully and go to town with the matcha mascarpone cream— spread it evenly and abundantly!
15. Roll it back up and cut crosswise. Enjoy your guilt-ish free cake!

Hope you enjoy making this easy cake as much as I do in quarantine. Stay safe out there, y’all!

-Mimi 🙂